Workflow projects for E.ON Czech Republic
Published: 25. 3. 2022
We are successfully continuing projects for our client, a large energy supplier, E.ON Czech Republic. This time it is the implementation of the BPM tool Axon.Ivy. Currently, our team will be involved in the implementation of two more internal processes. #weloveit ❤️
Our #UBKgeeks have been working for several years on the implementation of workflow applications created with the BPM tool Axon.Ivy for the energy company E.ON Germany.

#UBKgeeks #weloveit #cooperation #UBK #eonenergy #eon #czechrepublic #wearehappy #BPMN #worklow #scrum #AxonIvy #energy #energoindustry #industry #sustainability #business #codinglife #development #UBKstories #success #SAP