easySIGN – digitally sign PDF documents

The new easySIGN product responds to the need of organisations to centralise electronic document signing and digital trust services in one place. It brings trust to the world of electronic documents and enables organisations to digitise business processes, speed them up and make them more reliable.

The EasySIGN component is used to digitally sign PDF documents. The application is implemented in Java and runs in the background on the user’s PC. WebSocket technology is used to call and communicate with the component. With this technology, the component can only be called on a local PC via localhost. After receiving the PDF document, the personal certificates are loaded from the Windows memory and a certificate selection window opens. After selection, the PDF file is signed with the selected certificate and the signed file is sent back via the WebSocket communication channel.

For more information, please contact us at lukas.tomasek@ubk.cz or marta.tomaskova@ubk.cz.